Notice: Change of AA Bar Opening Hours

                                                                                                                                            8 June 2018 Dear member, Change of AA Bar Opening Hours Notice Please note that starting from 1 July, 2018, the opening hours of AA Bar will be as below:   Sunday to Thursday             : 11a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Friday to Saturday               : 11a.m. to 11 p.m. Thank you for your attention and we are sorry for any inconvenience caused.  Wish you all the best! Yours Sincerely, Hong Kong University Alumni Association   有關AA Bar縮短營業時間通告           由二零一八年七月一日起,本會之AA Bar於星期日至四之營業結束時間將由晚上十一時提前至晚上十時半;星期五及星期六的營業結束時間則維持至晚上十一時。不便之處,敬請原諒。 順頌 時祺   此致 香港大學校友會會員   香港大學校友會啟 二零一八年六月八日  ...

HKUAA Golf Interest Group – 2017 Overseas Trip

UPCOMING EVENT FROM THE HKUAA GOLF INTEREST GROUP! 2017 Overseas Trip   Date:                   22-24 Sep 2017 (Friday to Sunday) Venue:                The Resort of Mission Hills at Haikou, Hainan Island       ( Courses:            Blackstone (23 Sep) and Vintage (24 Sep) Fees: 1)       Members of Mission Hills - HK$3,079 2)       Non-members of Mission Hills - HK$3,689 3)       Non-golfers - HK$2,229 4)       Children under 12 no bed with breakfast - HK$1,155 Package includes: -         Cathay Dragon (“KA”) round trip between HK and Haikou (Friday – 14:25, Sunday – 16:30) -         Two nights’ hotel room at MH Haikou on twin/double bed basis (daily breakfast included) -         Two rounds of golf as stated with buggy and caddie included -         Extra HK$840 for a single room for 2 nights      If you are interested in joining this event, please contact Captains KC Lai and Roddy Lau on or before Friday, 30 June 2017:   Email:   WhatsApp: 6346 7788 (Captain KC Lai) 9465 3198 (Captain Roddy Lau)   table{width: 581px; border: solid;}#tel2{padding-left: 120px;}@media (max-width: 600px){table{width: 400px;margin: 0 auto;}#tel2{padding-left:114px}}@media (max-width: 480px){table{width: 300px;}#tel1{display: block;}#tel2{padding-left: 0px;}}...

夏季養生晚宴 : 食。趣。味。養。中菜篇 (主講:溫愛詩博士)

夏季養生晚宴 : 食。趣。味。養。中菜篇 (主講:溫愛詩博士) 前菜 醒脾開胃子薑靚皮蛋 (流心皮蛋、秘製子薑)   清肺潤膚沙律木瓜船 (鮮木瓜、時令鮮果沙律) 湯 清心解暑燉冬瓜盅 (本地粉白色冬瓜、鮮蟹肉、鮮蓮子、瑤柱、勝瓜粒、金華火腿、雞肉、火鴨粒、鮮冬瓜粒、鐵棍淮山、乾百合、夜香花等) 主菜 勝瓜杞子炒蝦仁 (勝瓜、寧夏杞子、鮮蝦仁等)   醒胃養陰油浸筍殼魚 (筍殼魚、上等靚醬油等)   健胃升陽生菜包乳鴿鬆 (乳鴿鬆、松子仁、甜菜甫粒、筍粒、冬菇粒、杞子、合桃碎、蒜茸、生菜片等)   健脾益陽鳳眼果炆雞 (時令鳳眼果、冬菇、鮮雞等)   清熱健脾上湯芥菜膽 (芥菜膽、鮮腐竹、鐵棍淮山等) 主食 健胃牛肉蔥花薑粒蝦醬炒飯 (牛肉粒、薑粒、蔥花、靚蝦醬等)   益胃助陽肉絲炒麵 (豬肉絲、冬菇絲、銀芽菜、?黃等) 甜品 清心平肝杞菊馬蹄羹 (寧夏杞子、貢菊花、馬蹄、蛋花) 飲料 覆盤子酒   金葡萄Gin酒 (溫博士自釀)   快樂糊塗茶 (溫愛詩博士配方,功效:疏肝解鬱,清熱化氣)   古法秘製酸梅湯 鳴謝 : 華杏堂溫愛詩博士贊助提供正寧夏大杞子、鐵棍淮山藥、貢菊花、快樂茶包、酸梅湯、金葡萄等 日期 2017年7月28日 星期五 地點 香港大學校友會(地址:香港中環德己立街2號葉豐大廈1樓) 費用 每位$ 520(早鳥優惠 $490,於7月10日前報名及繳費) 名額 36 - 60 位 程序   7:00pm 登記 7:30pm 香港大學校友會致歡迎辭   致送紀念品   晚宴開始 9:30pm 致謝 10:00pm 活動結束 報名辦法及須知 接受以電郵或郵寄及以先到先得方式報名,每位參加者均須填報名表格,如與朋友一起報名,請將表格複印。報名一經確認,所繳之費用均不獲發還。參加者必需於7月10日前報名及繳費,方可以$490早鳥優惠參加晚宴 截止報名日期:2017年7月25日(星期二) [電郵報名] 請先填妥下列報名表格電郵到natalie.wong@hkuaa.hk留位,本會於收到費用後會以電郵確認。 [郵寄報名] 請填妥下列報名表格連同費用,郵寄本會:香港中環德己立街2號業豐大廈1樓101室「香港大學校友會」,本會於收到費用後會致電確認。 費用可以 (a) 轉賬方式付款:匯豐銀行,賬號:848-307666-838,賬戶:Hong Kong University Alumni Association,請將入數紙 / 過賬紀錄(素描 / 拍照〕連同姓名及聯絡電話,電郵到; (b) 郵寄支票付款:抬頭請寫「Hong Kong University Alumni Association」,並加劃線,須最少於活動前3個工作天繳付。 會員留位須以付款確認,如以電郵報名,轉賬方式付款,繳費後請發電郵到natalie.wong@hkuaa.hk留位方于確認。 ***報名表格*** 姓名: 性別: HKUAA會員號碼: 聯絡電話: 電郵地址: **費用包括晚餐及飲品 **歡迎參加者自攜酒水,開瓶費按會所政策收取 **提問請電郵,提問將於講座解答 講者介紹 溫愛詩博士為香港註冊中醫,在香港大學考獲中醫全科學士 及 中醫(針灸)碩士後,再獲頒廣州中醫藥大學醫學博士(皮膚科)。 現擔任職務包括世界中醫藥學會聯合會皮膚科專業委員會理事、中國中醫藥研究促進會皮膚性病學會委員會理事 及 香港註冊中醫學會皮膚科專業委員會委員。並於2003年創辦了中醫診所華杏堂。 溫博士擁有超過二十年中醫臨床行醫經驗,臨床喜運用具嶺南派特色中醫藥治療中醫內科、兒科、婦科、免疫/呼吸科、胃腸消化科、針灸科和皮膚科等各種臨床常見病和疑難雜症。行醫之餘,多年來潛心研究各種養生保健及食療方法。認為人體『有之於內,形之於外』,只有體內各臟腑的氣血運行通暢,外在的身體形態容顏才能美麗健康。而通過正確選擇食物,健康和美麗是可以『吃』出來的。 溫愛詩博士出生於有『美食之都』之稱的廣州市,自少已經與各種傳統美食結下不解之緣。後來又曾留學法國和美國,喜歡自助旅遊、探討各地風土民情及地道特色美食,曾到訪歐洲、亞洲、美洲、南非、印度等多個國家。正式習岐黃之術後,寓中醫藥養生之道入饌,認為藥療不及食療、不時不食、以藥入饌、寓養於食;著重由內而外、天人合一的保健養生原則,發揚中醫藥『治未病』之優勢。 主廚介紹 李貴昌師傅入廚逾40年,2004年到香港大學校友會掌廚前,曾於香港陸羽茶室任職二廚,服務陸羽茶室28年,李師傅熟悉粵菜,廚藝精湛,擅長粵式特色菜。李師傅由入廚至今深受食客愛戴,在香港大學校友會裡,不乏跟隨李師傅十多年的老顧客! table{margin:20px 0px;}table tbody tr, table thead tr{border: 0;}table tbody tr td{text-align: left !important;padding: 2px 10px;}table tbody tr td:first-child{width:50px;}ol{text-indent: -1em;padding-left: 2em;}#post_area{color: #000; width: 764px; font-weight: 400;}@media (max-width: 780px){#post_area{width:500px;margin: 0 auto;}}@media (max-width: 600px){#post_area{width:380px;}}@media (max-width: 480px){#post_area{width:300px;}} ...

HKUAA Summer Boating

HKUAA SUMMER BOATING Summer Delight  - Join us to make new friends Date Jul 1, 2017 (SAT) Time 10:00am - 6:00pm Dress Code Sportswear / Swimwear Boarding/Dismissal Central Pier No. 10 (中環上落船) Refreshment Lunch on the Boat and Drinks Hightlights Swimming / Banana Boat / Wakeboard (Optional)   Games on the Boat  Fee HK$488   For you information *We will provide the contact numbers of our committee members for successful applicants before the event day. *Standard insuracne included with maximum of HK$100,000 for life accidental coverage and medical accidental coverage of HK$1,000. If you need extra insurance, please purchase by yourself. *No insured person should swim alone. *For bad weather arrangement, the event will be re-schedule to another Saturday in later only if Black Rain, Typhoon Number 3 or above is hoisted. No refund is entertained under bad weather concern; But registered member may appoint another member to attend under this scenario, subject to HKUAA approval. *Since this event may involve risks, it is not recommended for individual who is under 18 or over 60 years old to join. The average age of participants is around 20-35. *NO WALK-IN   REMARKS *ALL HKUAA Members, HKU Alumni, Students and their Friends are welcome to join. *ALL our past events were always FULL, make your reservation RIGHT NOW!!! *Our staff will try to confirm your reservation within 3 working days, no matter successful or not.     *WAITING LIST* [Don't prepay before we confirm you] Please complete the form in below with payment and email us at [incomplete information may not be entertained, place(s) will be reserved only if payment is made]:- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ***Waiting List Form for HKUAA Summer Boating 1Jul2017*** Name in Full (Same as HKID Card): Gender: Curriculum: Year of Graduation: HKUAA Membersip No / HKU University No: Phone: Email: For formality and insurance requirement, please provide your friend(s)' FULL name(s) and details as above if you enrol for them (him/her). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Terms and Notes *Please be noted that payment is non-refundable. We will charge you only if has place(s) for you. However, you will NOT be charged when the event is fill or/and no place(s) for you. We will advise whether you get place(s) in due course. *You may visit our website before you enrol as we will update the places frequently. Please be noted that we will not responsible for any delay in the information. *To comply with the insurance requirement, we will submit the participant's names (but will NOT submit contact) to the service provider. Please make sure you fill-in the name(s) with correct spelling. *Before joining the event, you may consult any professional person for the suitability and risks. During the event, please follow all rules and instructions strictly made by HKUAA or the service...